Phone: (520) 825-3438
Phone hours are: 10 AM to 8 PM. Arizona time zone.
Payments should be made out to Julia Sweda.
The mailing address for
deposits, payments and small packages (see note below)
delivered by USPS (US Mail) is:
Julia Sweda
PO Box 8919
Catalina, AZ
**Please contact Julia before shipping large/heavy packages
via UPS, Fed Ex, or similar ground delivery service and to arrange direct shipping/drop
shipments to her studio**
PO Box 8919
Catalina, AZ
(520) 825-3438
Daily: 10 AM to 8 PM
Arizona Time Zone
"Julia was wonderful to work with, very accommodating
and even matched my fabric colors and swatches for my clients kitchen
-Mike B.
"Julia did an amazing job and is very busy. She communicated
well with the list of wild flowers and pictures I sent her, of the blooms
here at our home."
- Ann P.
Artworks by Julia ©